Monday, April 19, 2010

michael phillips. yes. chris baca. yes.

so yesterday was the final for the USBC (united states barista competition). michael phillips, from intelligentsia coffee & tea took first place (most deservedly) and chris baca from verve coffee took second.
i am so inspired by these two baristas. they bring so much passion, knowledge and "can-do" attitude to the barista competitions. Both were thoroughly engaging as far as their desire to educated the judges and their audience about the coffees that they were using. Both did a most beautiful presentation, from table cloths to the way their drinks looked. Michael's was supremely technical, showcasing three different coffees three different ways, in his sig drink, espresso and capps, plus his sig drink was three different vessels with the three espressos pulled the different ways. he used different dose, volume and length of extraction with all three coffees. and explained WHY he pulled each coffee differently. so impressive.
Chris Baca, pulled of a very calculated performance, making his sig drink first, which looked gorgeous. he also engaged the judges by making two extra sig drinks, one for himself and one for the head judge and demonstrated how he wanted the judges to drink his beverage. and each judge did EXACTLY as he did. not only did he engage each judge but he also had a great story about his coffee and where is comes from. it wasnt that his presentation had alot of "flash" because it didnt, if you dont count the flourescent pink details throughout his place setting. he just expertly pulled off his performance. there were no glitches. it was very natural. it seemed to me as though it was an accurate portrayal of the experience that you may get if you were to walk into the verve coffee bar in santa cruz, and have the pleasure of having him serve you coffee.
on the interwebs:

just saying... inspiring

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