Sunday, September 28, 2008

oh geez

so apparently the WBC machine sponsor for 2009 is nuova simonelli and the aurelia model is the one we will be using at the mid-atlantic barista competition this year, which will take place february 7-9th at the cranberry marriott. dang. i test drove that machine last time i was in atlanta. i liked the shots that it pulled but i hated the steam action. it is a lever that can be pulled out all the way for full steam pressure or half way to control your pressure a bit more, but the lever can be a bit erradic and i think that when nerves take over, i will have a tendency to lose control of the steam pressure and make a huge huge mess. i am getting nervous and wonder if there is a way to practice using this machine and not alienate the shops that have one. is that possible? who even has one of these in pittsburgh? i have no clue. perhaps some obscure shop in the north hills that no one ever goes to, well off the beaten path.
my plan: i already have my sig drinks worked out ( a smidge different than the previous stated recipe on this here blog). i was planning on flying out to the west in january to do a little hands on with some folks out there, who definitely have an aurelia. so i'll just gear my "hands on" to be more "competition on".
the aurelia is a good machine but i am kind of shocked to see that lamarzocco is not the sponsor. i've been hearing some good shit about them recently, mostly about their relationship with intelligentsia, which is totally sick, what they are doing together.
more to come on my illicit love affair with intelligentsia.

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