Wednesday, September 3, 2008

snobbery 101

you have got to love coffee.
i mean, it is liquid gold. it has such variety, such pizazz. what is not to love? from diner coffee at 3am to the double ristretto you get on your way to the office, it all has it's good qualities.
i am by no means an expert. i am a coffee slinger at a shop here in the iron city. i train new hires in the art and craft of espresso. i enjoy talking about coffee with people who dont care about half the shit that comes out of my mouth. i dont care that all they want to hear is how much it costs. i just want to show off my coffee knowledge. it's pretty much the only thing that seperates me from a dishwasher or a line cook.
i love coffee. did i mention that?
i had my first cup at 6 years old. it was fucking gross over roasted french roast made in a french press. the shit my dad likes.i liked the bitterness. i started working in coffee when i was in highschool. i was a manager at the coffee bar in the gourmet grocery store in my hometown. it was fucking miserable work but i got to use counter culture coffee, based out of my hometown, for the first time. it was my first experience with specialty coffee and i really liked what i saw. nevertheless, i was fired from that job because i was still in high school and couldnt commit to a 40 hour work week.
imagine that.
i've worked with counter culture coffee a few more times in the last ten years, however, it is batdorf & bronson's coffee that really gets me. i love their single origins, especially the ethiopian coffees. i also really love intelligentsia's single origins. i like their black cat espresso, but i think it tends to taste ashy when it is even a second over extracted.
there will be more to come, my dear afficianados. there will be more. but now i must go into the fray and educate the IRL masses on good coffee.

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